Baby Panda – Hello

Welcome back!  I created a Baby card for a little fellow coming to my neighborhood. Inspiration for this card came from the following challenges: Just Us Girls (#694) not totally CAS as I added a bit of sparkle and glitz for TGIF (#435) and chose the current Paper Players (#655) sketch. Here is the result:Continue reading “Baby Panda – Hello”

Two Hearts – Wedding Card

Welcome back!  So happy that you can join me as I play in the Studio. Today’s card was inspired by Can You Handle The Pressure (#33) with a Wedding theme, adding Flowers for Use Your Stuff (#486) and picking the colors suggested by Less Is More (#485), Beautiful Blossoms (#6) and If You Give aContinue reading “Two Hearts – Wedding Card”

Celebrate – Birthday Card

Welcome back!  Have you got any fabulous plans for the weekend?  We will be heading into the city tomorrow for a bit of fun…until then, I still get to play in the Studio. The challenges today include: The Card Concept (#183), Seize the Birthday (#250), Use Your Stuff (#470) and Sketch Saturday (#712).  Inspired byContinue reading “Celebrate – Birthday Card”

Have Wheels, Will Travel – Thank You

Welcome back!  What a beautiful day…perfect for a ride…picking up some flowers to thank you for…   Playing with a variety of challenges for this card: Theme and Style: Paper Players (#613). Colors: Global Design Project (#365), Sketch and Theme: Try Stampin’ On Tuesday’s (#578) and as I used a retired stamp set or two,Continue reading “Have Wheels, Will Travel – Thank You”

Thank You – Happy & Heartfelt

Welcome back! Creating Roses with Alcohol inks is very popular at the moment and I thought I would give it a try. To that end, I opted for the Just Us Girls Challenge (#627) and the colors suggested by Just Add Ink Challenge (#598). Bringing it all together, I selected the sketch from my personalContinue reading “Thank You – Happy & Heartfelt”

Flowers of Friendship – Heartfelt Happy Mother’s Day

It’s Tuesday!! Case-ing Tuesday Challenge (#347) and Stampin’ Through the Catalog Facebook Challenges. We have a Sketch, we have a Sentiment but we need more… …Colors: Inspire Create Challenge (#112) and Tools – Embossing Folder(s): Can You Handle the Pressure (#3) with a Twist and Just Us Girls (#623). Let’s see what happened: Steps: CardContinue reading “Flowers of Friendship – Heartfelt Happy Mother’s Day”

Flowing Flowers Remake – Thank You

I was asked to re-make a card I created as a Thank you card. As such, I thought I would enter it into Kylie’s International Challenge for March. All of the details were the same except I substituted Thank You from the Happy & Heartfelt stamp set for I Like You from the Flowing FlowersContinue reading “Flowing Flowers Remake – Thank You”

Happy & Heartfelt – I *Heart* You

Playing with the Double Trouble (#102) Challenge…Thing One: Anything, Thing Two: Partner with other challenges, and Thing Three Twist: A different card size. I created a Masculine Valentine card in the Mini-Slim Line size and partnered with Dies R US (#186). Additional challenges that inspired me were as follows…Style and Theme: Just Add Ink (#589),Continue reading “Happy & Heartfelt – I *Heart* You”

Happy & Heartfelt – Yay for Love!

Welcome back!  Creating for a few other challenges this afternoon… Working with the TGIF Challenge Sketch (#351) keeping it clean and simple using the Theme suggested by the Time Out Challenge (#205) and sharing it with Stampin’ Up! Only Challenge (#293) and the Crafter’s Café Challenge (#281). Here is the result: Steps: Card Base: (8½”Continue reading “Happy & Heartfelt – Yay for Love!”

In The Moment – Heck, Yeah!

If I wasn’t creating this card today, heck, yeah!, I would definitely be cuddling up with a book.  I am in South Carolina and we rarely get any snowy weather in my little corner of the State.  Well, we certainly got it! Snow Day!  A perfect time for hunkering down with my nose in aContinue reading “In The Moment – Heck, Yeah!”