Latte Love – Christmas Cheer

Welcome back!  It’s Monday – a brand-new week.  And I am heading for the Holidays with a number of Christmas themed challenges. First up: Jingle Belles (#2408) celebrating Earth Day with the use of recycled item(s).  Next: Caffeinated Christmas Card (#28) to include Coffee related items.  Then: Krafty Chicks (#711) for their monthly Christmas AnythingContinue reading “Latte Love – Christmas Cheer”

Sweet Thoughts – Circle Sayings

Welcome back!  It’s Saturday.  Will you have a chance to be creative?  This is the card I created today…for Just Add Ink (#696) Inspiration Photo – Cake and Colors, the Global Design Project (#439) Sweet Treat Theme and the Crafter’s Cafe (#306) Food Theme using the Atlantic Hearts (#571) Sketch.  I am also sharing withContinue reading “Sweet Thoughts – Circle Sayings”

Heartfelt Hellos – Enjoy Your Day

Welcome back!  How is it already the end of the month.  There are still a few challenges that have deadlines today… Playing with Inspiration Station (#59) and just love the color combination of the dresses and the swirling movement of the wind.  I have combined the colors with the Atlantic Hearts (#570) sketch keeping itContinue reading “Heartfelt Hellos – Enjoy Your Day”

Stippled Roses – Sending Thanks

Welcome back!  Friday again…and the weekend is almost here…but first a few challenges. Over at The Flower Challenge (#89), a square card is desired. The current Freshly Made (#626) sketch is also square, and I chose the to use the Color Throwdown (#783) suggestions because they were ideal colors for flowers. I am also sharingContinue reading “Stippled Roses – Sending Thanks”

Echinacea – Neutral Tone Study

Again, it is Friday!  How does that happen?  The week just flew by… Putting together an idea for a few challenges:  I started with the Color Board over at Sunday Stamps (#328) full of my favorite Neutral colors.  Influenced by Tic Tac Toe (#242) to add a Floral element and add some Embossing using theContinue reading “Echinacea – Neutral Tone Study”

Blocked Stencils – Hug in a Cup

Welcome to Sunday and the newest Paper Players (#678) challenge.  Anne Marie has given us a fun sketch to play with this week. I decided to have a play with stencils for Just Us Girls (#715) and the Color Dare (#588) Fancy Five picking the warm tones.  I am also sharing this card with KraftyContinue reading “Blocked Stencils – Hug in a Cup”

Hills of Tuscany – Great Friend

Welcome to Sunday and the newest Paper Players (#677) challenge.  Ann is asking us to create a Clean & Simple Friendship card this week. I have been influenced by CAS on Friday (#277) which is looking for a Masculine card and chose to CASE the overall layout design created by Elodie Ventroux for the GlobalContinue reading “Hills of Tuscany – Great Friend”

Santa is Done – Time for Tea

Hi!  Back again for the Facebook Case-ing Tuesday (#447) sketch. There are several Christmas challenges about.  Never too early to build up your stash.  For Jingle Belles (#2403); Caffeinated Christmas (#26); and Krafty Chicks (#702). Here is the result: Steps: All  pieces were arranged to resemble the sketch with the Window popped up with DimensionalsContinue reading “Santa is Done – Time for Tea”

Circle Sayings – Happy Birthday

Welcome back! A bunch of ideas have been percolating in my brain as I pondered what to do with sets of colors, some open themes, a tool usage and various sketches. These were the ones I settled on. Firstly, the colors: Facebook’s Colour INKspiration (#158); then the theme: TGIF (#456); thirdly using stencils for Just UsContinue reading “Circle Sayings – Happy Birthday”

Lovely & Sweet – Birthday Wishes

Welcome back!  Had a rather busy day yesterday so I am off to the races today. Challenges: Inspire Create (#159) to use product from the new Mini Catalog and/or the Sale-a-bration Brochure; Make My Monday (#217) for a Birthday theme; Cupcake Inspiration (#585) for the colors; Krafty Chicks (#699) for a clean & simple cardContinue reading “Lovely & Sweet – Birthday Wishes”