Sweet Garden Floral – Happy Birthday

Welcome back!  What a busy Monday I have had.  Just getting around to making a quick and easy, #simplestamping, clean and simple card for a number of challenges, many sporting a similar theme. First off, a birthday card to celebrate AAA Cards (#265) 10th Anniversary…anything goes. I selected Just Us Girls (#726) Word – Garden;Continue reading “Sweet Garden Floral – Happy Birthday”

Garden Meadow – You are the Best

One more…It is Tuesday and time to create for this week’s Facebook Case-ing Tuesday (#458).  The original card can be found on page 71 of the Jan – Apr Mini Catalog.   A pretty little card, not too complicated. Inspiration for my choices: Inspired By (#256) for the theme and Color Dare (#597) for the palette.Continue reading “Garden Meadow – You are the Best”

Wild Ferns – Double Z-Fold

Welcome to the second of the Design Team Challenges.  At Cardz 4 Guyz (#342), this round, we are looking for Fun-Fold cards.  I opted for a Double-Z Fold and kept it simple with just stamps, inks and paper for a card suitable for a fellow. Coincidently Double Trouble (#160) is partnering with Creative Creases (#76)Continue reading “Wild Ferns – Double Z-Fold”

Garden Meadow – Happy Birthday

One more card for today as I am chasing a few deadlines.  I am giving you a sneak peek at the new Garden Meadow stamp set/die bundle that will be available as an On-Line Exclusive tomorrow (Tuesday, November 7th).  Lots of great images in this set! My birthday card is for Seize the Birthday (#272)Continue reading “Garden Meadow – Happy Birthday”