Joy of Noel – Holiday Card

Welcome back!  Friday already…where does the time go? Back to the Christmas cards.  Today I am playing with these challenges: As You See It (#311) for their Holiday Recipe of ingredients; Tic Tac Toe (#233) for a line of the board; the colors suggested by Facebook Colour INKSspiration (#154); and bringing it all together withContinue reading “Joy of Noel – Holiday Card”

Gorgeous Leaves – Hello

Hi and welcome!  So nice to be able to play the Studio.  Catching up on a few deadlines as I get back into the swing of things. Today: Inspired By (#252) Neutrals; Tic Tac Toe (#223) Leaves, CAS and Free; and Retro Rubber (#214) for the Sketch and Stamp Set selections. Here is the result:Continue reading “Gorgeous Leaves – Hello”