Poised Peony – Hello

Stampin’ Through the Catalog is featuring Poised Peony (page 28) today, Thursday June 27th and I decided to play along. So, I selected the Atlantic Hearts (#583) Sketch and to use a Stencil for Just Us Girls (#733) to design my card. Here is the result: Steps: A pretty Hello card. Thanks for spending someContinue reading “Poised Peony – Hello”

Lifetime of Love – Wedding Card

Welcome back!  That very magical time of nuptials are upon us with the favored June wedding dates. So, for As You See It (#324) Wedding Bells… I was influenced by Inspired By (#290) for the Mini-Florals that reminded me of Wedding Bouquets and the TGIF (#474) Floral Border for my layout design and determined thatContinue reading “Lifetime of Love – Wedding Card”