Hello Baby

Welcome back!  Happy Saturday. Playing in the Studio with three challenges.  Sketch – Atlantic Hearts (#577); Color – Creative Colour (#141); and Theme – Cupcake Inspirations (#594). Here is the result: Steps: All elements were adhered to the card base to resemble the sketch.  The Focal Panel was popped up with Dimensionals and a RhinestoneContinue reading “Hello Baby”

Sweet Love of Cupcakes

Well, it’s Friday!  Hoping you have a wonderful weekend and an opportunity to be creative. Today, I started with the Just Add Ink (#702) Sketch.  Three playful shapes.  But what should they be? Next, I selected the color palette suggested by the Facebook Colour INKspirations (#165) team.  Isn’t that photograph of the Flowers beautiful?  Yet,Continue reading “Sweet Love of Cupcakes”

Unbounded Love – Butterfly Celebration

Hi! Welcome back. Thursday already – where does the week go… I am playing with Double Trouble (#166) asking us to do a mixed-up unmatched project and partnering with Tuesday Morning (#756) for the suggested layout.  I also selected the color combination from the Facebook Global Design Project (#445) and added elements found on theContinue reading “Unbounded Love – Butterfly Celebration”

Simply Zinnia Floral Blank Greeting Card

Welcome to Sunday and the newest Paper Players (#683) challenge.  This week, Ann has given us a plethora of choices with a Tic Tac Toe board.  Eight combinations, endless possibilities! I chose the top row and have combined it with the Color Throwdown (#786) palette and As You See It (#320) for the sketch.  IContinue reading “Simply Zinnia Floral Blank Greeting Card”