Country Flowers – My Best Friend

Welcome to Sunday and the newest Paper Players (#692) challenge.  This week, Jaydee has selected the theme, Friendship and a nice selection of images on her Mood Board. Never one to go empty handed to visit a friend, I selected to use the Country Flowers Bundle.  My choices were influenced by both The Card ConceptContinue reading “Country Flowers – My Best Friend”

Country Flowers – Best Friend

One more Designer card today for this week’s Facebook Case-ing Tuesday (#462).  The card we are case-ing can be found on page 64 of the Annual Catalog.  Additional Inspiration: Inspire Create (#168) for the colors. Here is the result: Steps: All elements were adhered to the card base to resemble the sketch.  I chose toContinue reading “Country Flowers – Best Friend”

Country Flowers – So Lucky

Let’s play!!  It is Tuesday and time to create for this week’s Facebook Case-ing Tuesday (#457).  The original card can be found on page 10 of the Jan – Apr Mini Catalog.   I am not fond of Shaker Cards, so I converted the layout to a Fun Fold Card. The other challenges: Just Add InkContinue reading “Country Flowers – So Lucky”

Country Flowers – Flower Market

Welcome to Sunday and the newest Paper Players (#685) challenge.  This week, Claire has given us a bright and beautiful set of colors to work with.  Let’s have some fun! I combined this week’s challenge with the Try a Sketch on Tuesday (#644) Layout which I flipped.  I also substituted the new In-Color Summer SplashContinue reading “Country Flowers – Flower Market”

Country Flowers – Best Friend Ever

Welcome back!  Squeezing in a little play time for a few challenges. A sneak peek of a new bundle coming next month: Country Flowers for Inspired By (#282) and Color Dare (#593). Here is the result: Steps: All elements were adhered to the card base to resemble a version of the suggested sketch.  The FlowersContinue reading “Country Flowers – Best Friend Ever”