Love Coffee Snowmen

Happy Christmas Eve!  I broke out my favorite holiday cups for my coffee this morning.  Gearing up for the big day tomorrow.  Are you ready? I am sneeking in a little card crafting…and playing with Caffeinated Christmas Card (#24) along with Creative Colours (#120) and the Atlantic Hearts (#556) Sketch. Here is the result: Steps: All elementsContinue reading “Love Coffee Snowmen”

Merry Candy Cane Holiday Brew

I was reminded that it was time again for the Coffee Loving Card Makers Annual Fall / Winter Blog Hop by Double Trouble (#152), so here we go! My design was also inspired by Caffeinated Christmas (#23) to add Holly; Jingle Belles (#23) to add Hard Candy; and Inkspirational (#302) for the Sweets inspired MoodContinue reading “Merry Candy Cane Holiday Brew”