Fruit Favorite – Tuscan Vineyards

Round Two as a Guest Designer with the Alphabet Challenge.  Melanie has chosen the word “Fruit” for the Letter “F”.  What better fruit than Grapes…as it is used for a favorite beverage – Wine, which is best shared with Friends. I chose to create a clean and simple card for CAS Colours & Sketches (#538)Continue reading “Fruit Favorite – Tuscan Vineyards”

It’s Plane & Simple – You Send Me Soaring

Having fun with a few more challenges…and pulling out some retired products from my stash. Tic Tac Toe (#213) Line including Black Card Base, Stripes, and a Just Because type sentiment; Alphabet (Letter F) for Flying; Creative Colour (#93) Old Olive, Starry Sky and Highland Heather for the current Try Stampin’ On Tuesday (#610) SketchContinue reading “It’s Plane & Simple – You Send Me Soaring”