Sky is the Limit – High Flying Birthday

Welcome back!  Hump day…how can it already be Wednesday? With Father’s Day around the corner, several challenges have a masculine vibe.  I am creating a birthday card, in the clean and simple style. First off, Inspired By (#292) for the colors and the sketch which I turned to the horizontal position.  Next, Inspiration Station (#62)Continue reading “Sky is the Limit – High Flying Birthday”

It’s Plane & Simple – You Send Me Soaring

Having fun with a few more challenges…and pulling out some retired products from my stash. Tic Tac Toe (#213) Line including Black Card Base, Stripes, and a Just Because type sentiment; Alphabet (Letter F) for Flying; Creative Colour (#93) Old Olive, Starry Sky and Highland Heather for the current Try Stampin’ On Tuesday (#610) SketchContinue reading “It’s Plane & Simple – You Send Me Soaring”